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My "Most" Everything Moments of 2021

2021 was one of the most awaited years ever, and just like that, it's gone and now we're all looking forward to 2022 and hoping everything can go back to "normal", whatever that means...

2021 was not all bad though! I'm very thankful for so many blessings, opportunities and fun times with old and new clients.

Meet some of them!

My most youthful models

Whenever I feel compelled to "finding my niche", photographing newborns has a big pull! Those tiny fingers and toes, those little lips and noses... cute as can be!

The most special and meaningful portrait session

My beautiful, kind, thoughtful mom. I'm so glad that I was able to convince her to pose for me for a few minutes! I'll treasure these images forever. Check out this post!

The snowiest session

These two look so good in every outfit, location, and season. They braved the brutally cold snow and we got these nice portraits!

When I played with shadows and lights the most

I enjoyed doing these so much and I thank my lovely clients for their collaboration and patience (even if sometimes they would've rather been watching football)

The most perfect setting

Amazingly talented and professional, Sandi made it possible to get us this shoot at this beautiful salon, where she worked. It was so much fun!

The most fairytale like weddings

Gorgeous locations and stunning brides and grooms!

The session for which I traveled the farthest

I'm so happy that I was able to visit Guatemala, the land of eternal spring, for this unforgettable session! Read all about it here:

The most summer filled sessions

Oh, the warmth and the bright sunlight... give them to me anytime!

The session with the most adorable prop

This sweet family met me very early in the day to beat the humidity and we got lovely images of handsome Rhett in his cart.

The most determined high school seniors

Class of 2022! I predict bright futures for these fantasitc high school seniors.

The most colorful fall sessions

Fall sessions are packed with bold colors and crisp fresh air, I like them so much!

My sessions with the most firsts

My first time shooting an elopement, my first time photographing twins, and my first time photographing dogs.

The session with the most generations

It was such a pleasure to photograph this wonderful family! The colors, the smiles, the lovely faces and super cute Ezra!

The maternity sessions that were the most telling as to what month it was

Whether it's Halloween or Christmas, this couple surely knows how to embrace any opportunity to have some fun!

Two of the most adorable toddlers in the area

I could do this type of session every single day! Do they make me sweat chasing after them? Yes! Do they push me to my limit trying to figure out creative ways to keep them in my viewfinder? Absolutely! But these images make it all worth it!

The models who traveled the farthest

You know it's a good session when you don't want it to end, and when your models seem to forget that you're even there!

The most Christmasy sessions

Getting into the Christmas spirit both in fancy outfits and in pajamas!

The most numerous and fun families

Should I even reiterate how much fun these sessions were?

Thanks to every single person that stood in front of my camera this year! I appreciate you so much and I hope I get to see you again in 2022! Happy New Year everyone!

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