Eleven years ago. That's when Stephen and I got married and we had the cutest flower girls. One of them was sweet Phoebe, with her soft blond curls, lovely smile, and shining blue eyes.
Our families met at church and we were so happy when they accepted to be a part of our wedding. I know that people say that it’s “good luck” (whatever that means) when it rains on your wedding day and IT POURED on ours, so we must be extremely lucky. Because of this, the only pictures that we have are indoors, but I’m so glad we have those memories from that day!
Many things have happened in these eleven years, so I felt very honored to be asked to take her senior pictures. How is she already a high school senior?! Doing her session at Tanyard Creek was very special, since I had done a session with her family when she was about 8.
We stopped at a few of the same spots from that time, and I had to work really hard to not lose focus -pun intended- while I thought about how life goes by so quickly. This beautiful young woman who, only some years ago, walked down the aisle ahead of me throwing rose petals, was about to finish school and be faced with adult life and everything that it entails.
I was also able to chat a little with both her, and her mom, Amanda during our time together and I’m so pleased to hear about her dreams and passions and I can’t wait to see where God takes her.
It was such a pleasure to work with her and see how sweet and respectful she was with her mom and how important her mom's opinion is to her, they have such a palpable connection!
I admire the fact that she's managing to finish school while keeping a job and it warms my heart to see that she's following the Lord and trusting Him with every decision in her life.
Dear Phoebe, your whole life is ahead of you and I know that God will guide you and protect you in whichever path He has for you. Trust Him with all your heart. He is faithful.
Keep smiling and enjoying life, sweet girl!
~ Anaelisa
You did a great job sharing this information with us, truly appreciate that.
Your photos are beautiful!